Let's challenge the stories you've believed for too long and rebuild with the truth of who you are. 

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I'm a challenger, a truth-teller, and your trusted guide. I'm here to disrupt those recurring narratives that live inside your head so that you can experience the freedom of knowing you are good. 


My childhood tells a tale of having moved 10 times before graduating and having to make new friends at every new school. I ended up spending more time trying to impress or please everyone else; going from one extreme of the pendulum using charisma to the other end by living a life of self-sacrifice. No matter how hard I worked, nothing seemed to make sense and I was never able to see my true value or worth.

That desire to fit in and settle down followed me to my first job as a pastor until I realized I was working for praise and recognition and that's not who I wanted to be.


From being a pastor to then a wedding photographer I had the opportunity to connect with thousands of individuals. In those conversations, I heard a few common themes.

We all long to know what makes us unique and to be affirmed for those unique qualities. For many of us, it's hard to navigate through the stories told to us, the stories we tell ourselves, and the noise of the world to find that inner truth.



The reason, intention, and motivation behind every step I take and every decision I make are guided by vulnerability, intimacy, fearlessness, generosity, and experience. 

My desire for you is to walk away knowing one thing. That you are inherently good. When we stand in the freedom of living vulnerably and authentically we create the opportunity to be seen and, ultimately, to belong.

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